Rainforest transect
The transect comprises eight stations spaced from 200 to 3700 m asl. at regular elevational increments of 500 m. It is 41 km long (as crow flies), following an old road that is partly passable, partly obliterated by landslides.
The eight sites span entire altitudinal variability of rainforest vegetation. Primary forest vegetation is available at all sites, secondary successional vegetation at 200 – 2700 m asl. The transect is designed primarily for ecological research, but it is also suitable for rainforest trekking.
At each site the landowners welcome visitors, provide local guides, field assistants, porters and cooks, and can build a temporary shelter for visitors. The main camp at Numba (900 m asl. ) provides a more permanent and better equipped base on the transect.
The stations range from 8 to 27 oC mean annual temperature; rainfall data are not available directly from the transect, but long term records (2000-2012) from the nearby Goroka town show mild dry season in May-Sep.
Typical forest vegetation and field camps at each station are shown here (from Leponce et al. 2016):
(from Leponce et al. 2016):