Wanang Conservation Area

Fidelis Kimbeng

Fidelis Kimbeng


Paraecologist, Wanang Conservation Area.


c/o New Guinea Binatang Research Center, PO Box 604, Madang, Papua New Guinea

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Butterfly taxonomy and ecology.


See www.entu.cas.cz/png/wanang/research-projects

Acknowledgements in Publications

Basset, Y., Eastwood, R., Sam, L., Lohman, D. J., Novotny, V., Treuer, T., Miller, S. E., Weiblen, G. D., Pierce, N. E., Bunyavejchewin, S., Sakchoowong, W., Kongnoo, P., and Osorioarenas, M. A. 2013. Cross-continental comparisons of butterfly assemblages in tropical rainforests: implications for biological monitoring. Insect Conservation and Diversity 6, 223-233.

Vlasanek, P. & Novotny, V. 2015. Demography and mobility of three common understory butterfly species from tropical rain forest of Papua New Guinea. Population Ecology 57, 445-455

Vlasanek, P., Sam, L. & Novotny, V. 2013. Dispersal of butterflies in a New Guinea rainforest: using mark–recapture methods in a large, homogeneous habitat. Ecological Entomology 38, 560-569